An everyday food like eggs can be elevated to the status of superfood by incorporating a small amount of omega-3-rich microalgae, specifically EPA and DHA, into the hens’ feed.
This innovative concept comes from researchers in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Burkina Faso, whose combined food science, sustainability, and health benefits by introducing 1% of the microalga Schizochytrium into the diets of Hy-Line Brown laying hens.
The hens were kept under controlled conditions throughout the study, with a 12-hour light-dark cycle, a constant temperature of 25ºC, and proper ventilation. These optimized conditions ensured reliable data on the effects of the microalgae supplement in their feed.
Traditionally, eggs are enriched with omega-3 by including a small amount of fish oil in the hens’ diet. However, this method often leads to a slight fishy taste, which can deter consumers. The use of microalgae eliminates this issue, removing both the fishy flavour and the risk of oxidation associated with fish oil.
In addition to enhancing the eggs nutritionally, the researchers also noted visual improvements. The yolks became a deeper, richer golden colour, which, according to the researchers, is “more appealing” and a marker of higher quality.
Furthermore, they highlighted that this method provides a plant-based source of omega-3 making it an excellent alternative for vegetarians.